Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I just broke my right thumb's pink and white gel nail.?

What do I do? It's cracked below the meat. The crack goes all the way across the middle of my thumb nail from left to right; and it even bled a little through the crack! Serious answers only please. I've already put alcohol on the crack, while opening it a little, cut the nail down so it wouldn't hit anything else (OUCH!) and put a waterproof band-aid on it. Keep in mind, I don't wear long nails because I type for a living.I just broke my right thumb's pink and white gel nail.?
It's just a fingernail, and many crack below the nail line. It's not a big deal. Keep it clean. Use antibacterial ointment and cover it with a bandaid to keep it from snagging on your clothing. It will grow out very quickly, but never quickly enough. Don't worry. You'll be fine. It may be uncomfortable for a day or two.I just broke my right thumb's pink and white gel nail.?
Glad you can see improvement. Right after I answered you, I ripped my nail the same way. I was thinking about you! Thanks!

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if your metioning meat..i suggest you go to the doctors atleast to get it checked out cuz it doesnt sound like a regular nail break.

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